Monday, February 3, 2014

Your words have power.

Dear You,

Your words have power.
They speak. They move. They create. They inspire.
Your words have power.

Past experiences may cause you to think otherwise, but that doesn’t change the truth.
You’ve been told you shouldn’t speak. You’ve been told to be quiet. You’ve allowed other people’s views of you to sew your mouth shut. And you’ve allowed your view of yourself to sew your mouth shut tighter.

You’ve kept your mouth shut for a while. You’ve listened to the lies. The lies that tell you that your words are weak, that they don’t matter. The lies that say people are better off not hearing your words, that they don’t need to hear your thoughts and feelings.
You think your thoughts can’t possibly be powerful.
You believe that your words don’t hold weight.

Friend, I’m here to tell you that you’re wrong. I’m here to tell you that every syllable and beat that escapes your mouth has value and meaning. Every word, every sentence, comes out of the empowered person you are, thus making your words powerful.

Your words aren’t feathers that easily float away with a breeze. They are bricks that are not easily moved. They are strong.
Your words are roots. They seep into hearts and situations in marvelous ways.
Your words come from the core of who you are and enter the outside world. 
And it’s a glorious sight.

Your words are not an inconvenience, as much as you think they are. Get rid of every lie in your head that tells you that others are worse off when you speak, because your words are worth way more than you give them credit for.

You are in this world. You are here. And your words are used to help mend and influence the lives that are around you. Your words touch the lives of others. Your words come from the pit of your heart, the part of you that makes you you.

There have been times where you have made statements that you hope and pray people catch because they’re important to you, but instead they brush them off and don’t give them a second thought.

Don’t allow that to stop you, friend.
You are deep and life-filled and even those short statements you make have depth and meaning.

I’m here to catch those statements you’ve said that others haven’t given a second thought.
I’m holding them tightly, looking at you, and thanking you for sharing part of yourself with me and the world.
I’m grasping them, telling you to never let others keep you from sharing the words that come from inside you.

Speak. Speak proudly.

I’m here to tell you that your words make a difference.
I’m here to tell you that your words are nothing to be ashamed of. They are nothing to be ashamed of because they are a part of you. And there is nothing, absolutely nothing, shameful about you.

Your words have power.
Allow yourself to stand firm in the words you say as much as I do.

Be proud. Be strengthened.
And never stop speaking.

Learning and living with you,

The Editor

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